Let The Journey Begins.....

Let The Journey Begins.....
Walk Down Memory Lane
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Smiles
Our Project
What is PDK?
School's Activities
Contact Us


This page will provide a brief overview of our school and our general philosophy toward education. Enjoy it and have fun! 

There are several topics that could be discussed on this page of our web site. We may provide the history of the school and discuss how we have developed into one of the leading educational institutions. Another area of interest is our philosophy and mission for the education of children.

Our Fantastic Teachers

We have an experienced and dedicated group of teachers and administrators. Each teacher strives to create a supportive and challenging classroom atmosphere to encourage students to participate. Below is a feature on a teacher who has stayed with SMK (F) Besout as long as anyone can remember. For more details, read the description below.

Who stay with us the longest

Best Teacher
Cikgu Noor Azmi bin Razali

In conjunction with this year's Teacher's Day the students as well as the teachers have unanimously agreed on choosing this particular teacher right here as Teacher of The Year. En Noor Azmi b. Razali has been teaching History and Malay Language and all of us really love the way he taught us and we adore him. His charismatic leadership, vast knowledge, years of teaching experience plus his charming personality has made him one of SMK (F) B's landmarks if we may say so.He is a happily married man and has  3 adorable and fantastic children..

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining